Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Blog

I have a new blog at:

This blog has been discontinued. Please refer to new blog on Monday, 19 October 2009. Thank you. Have a great day.



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Latest Information

This blog will only be added to periodically. Instead, for writing information, please refer to three different sites:


Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Greetings from Stories by Stacy

Hello! It's been a while. Sorry to not be here yesterday and add a posting to this blog. However, I'm here now.

I am mostly settled in my new home in Omaha. It's been fun (not sarcastically speaking, but I'm serious) setting up a new home and combining two households in one. This is the first time my husband and I've been under the same roof. Therefore, it's quite nice. I not only love my husband, but I like him. So, it's been a while in coming but here we are.

Omaha is a great deal better than I anticipated and I had positive thoughts about the place beforehand. It's pretty, green, and hilly. I love the people, the community in which I live, and so on. It's a slower pace than Denver and I definitely love that facet. It's also nice to be near more Christians and patriots. Everyone is friendly and when you let a driver over in front of you, they actually wave and say thank you.

It took us a month to get some of our furniture (and we're still waiting on the last round to come in on Friday). But, the wait was worthwhile. The house is a sacred place and quite peaceful. It's a retreat and that matters more to me than anything else.

We got a kitten named Sinan (pronouced See-naw-n) on Sunday and have been enjoying him very much. He's a huge ham. He has no fear. He's vocal, follows us around, and comes when called. He's a lover and purrs loudly. It looks like I've got a good helper.

I really have not had time to miss Denver yet and I think that's a good thing.

My dad is coming out to visit next week, so I'll be a little out of the loop again. Sorry about that.

It looks like I have four books I'm working on at the moment, as far as writing goes:
1. A book on 1 Corinthians. It's a bible study, devotional, reference, journaling type of book. It's meant to be done individually or in a group. Non-fiction.
2. A book on journaling. I actually call it journalblogging. It's a combination of journaling and blogging where you get thoughts out on paper or in a blog. It forces us to realize that we miss most of life every day because of busyness. We need to slow down and try to process what we experience, think, feel, be intentional about living, plan and seek our goals every day or we miss life. We forget what's important. Non-fiction. It can be done individually or in a group.
3. Zeagar. Fiction. Sci-fi.
4. A book about if walls could talk. It's set in the future and is going to be an epic love story about a construction worker who helped built the arch in St. Louis. The construction worker is purely fiction, but I want to do a series about 'Building America,' and how everyone has a story and these stories build America as well as the hands that build the landmarks. Fiction.

Also, I need to edit and get ready for publication:
1. Cammi's Story
2. Demarcations

How are you? What's new with you? Let me know.

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Back

Greetings from Omaha.

I'm back and will start to blog again tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for your patience.

By the way, I have a new kitten. He's an orange tabby, named Sinan (pronounced: See-naw-n). Sinan is a good lion name. He acts like a lion and looks like one in a way. Sinan means spearhead. So, get ready for tales of the adventurous one.

How are you? What's new with you? Drop me a line and let me know.

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Friday, June 26, 2009

See You in August

I will try to write some blog postings whenever I am able. However, plan on me taking a hiatus until August. Then, look out! I will blog daily once again.

I'm moving at the beginning of July and will take a while to set up my house. Then, I'm going to join some time off with my best friend and hubby before our lives get quite busy. Moving from Denver and going to Omaha.

I hope all is well with you. Take care.

Stacy Duplease

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Space and Sci-Fi

I wanted to be an astronaut for years. Then I took Calculus and Physics and quickly learned I might not want to become one after all. However, that didn't take away my love of space. That's why I write sci-fi.

Imagine walking among the stars.

Imagine it literally.

Can you?

Can you imagine seeing other planets, stars, and galaxies?

Think about it. Take a while to imagine it and see how it shapes your life.

Stay Duplease and Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Monday, June 15, 2009

Zeagar: What Does Utopia Look Like to You? By Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

The question I asked as the title of this blog is what I want to address at this time and go deeper with in my explanation as to the question.

What is Utopia like to you? Which Utopia?

The Utopia I am thinking of is what does the perfect United States of America look like to you? What is your view of an achievable Utopia today? What does it look like? How is it accomplished?

Let me know what you think.

In my novel, Zeagar... I am addressing my response. However, my muse can always be fed by other's opinions.

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Hunt for Tanpres #7

Yes. That was what he was afraid of. Would she accept things as they are? She had no other choice. But, the question in his mind was how hard she would make it on herself and everyone else involved. “You weren’t the only one that was voted on yesterday, my queen.”

She raised her eyebrows as they made eye contact with one another. “Who else was?”

“The King, my Queen.” He braced himself for her reaction.

Megan was mesmerized by the beauty of the mountains, the crisp blue sky, the multicolored rocks below and the sides of the mountains with trees: pine trees and aspen without leaves. It felt like a sacred moment as he flew between the mountains. “Hmm?” What he said hadn’t registered in her mind. His silence only made her think about what he had said. “Wait a minute.” It hit her. “What king?” What’s the crazy flying dragon talking about? She wasn’t sure.

He realized that she hoped to deny it. Surely, she hoped that it wasn’t so. “Your King, Queen Megan.” He phrased it that way in order to get her thinking. He waited for a second. “Your husband.”

Of all the crazy things that she had heard about today and had seen with her own eyes, this was the one that stopped her heart the most of all of them. How could this be? She thought about it. “Are you telling me that I have a husband?” She tried to take several deep cleansing breaths since she felt lightheaded since she already knew the answer. She sensed it. This made her completely terrified. His nod was almost unperceivable. “Okay.” She paused. “I was afraid that was what you were telling me, Bakari.” How did she feel about that? She decided to remember that this was just a dream anyway, so she could survive this without having a panic attack like she felt she could so easily do right about now.

He nodded once more and spoke in a quieter voice than normal. “The women voted for the king and the entire Northern Kingdom voted for you, male and female. You were from the Other World, after all, and that’s why everyone votes in order to ensure you’re the best. The opposite sex only votes for those in the Outer World so that the royal can be a better mate for the royal from the Other World.”

Outer World. Other World. It confused her to say the least, but she wondered if she went along with it, if it might make more sense. “That sounds like a good tradition. I bet I got a better man for my husband because of it. Right?” She tried to reassure herself. She didn’t mean one word, but hoped that it would be the case.

“That was the idea. It had been your mother’s brainstorm a few years ago since the Outer World changed so dramatically. Dryden Astoria of Saphir Philo, whom you’ll call Dryden, is a wonderful man. He’s handsome, a warrior, educated, a reader, a lover of Shakespeare, a songwriter, and a natural born leader. He’s in the army by trade and is in charge of a division. He’d be like a colonel in the American armed forces, if that helps you to comprehend.” Bakari depicted the situation to her.

“It does.” Although, Megan wondered if it were possible to ever fully understand a dream or a hallucination.

Followers, Comments, and Emails

If you read this blog, please:
* Sign yourself up as a follower (in the margin of this page, it gives you the opportunity. Use a fake name and a fake picture if you desire privacy.).
* Add comments at the end of each blog posting. I want all of my blogs to be interactive rather than just have me flapping my trap.
* Send me email comments if you desire to:

Thank you! My bloggings are not supposed to be about me, but about life in general and about you.

Stacy Duplease

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cammi's Story #1

Here's my fantasy entitled, "Cammi's Story." I'll start to upload it to this blog in order to get you excited for when I publish it in the next couple of months.

Here it is:

“YOUR POSITION HERE AT THE library is being eliminated, Cammi.”
Cammi stared at Caroline with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I’m afraid we have to let you go due to our county’s budget constraints.” Her boss sat back in her chair and crossed her hands in front of her on the desk.

“In other words, I’m fired.”

“No. You’re not being fired. You’re being laid off.”

“What’s the difference?” Cammi tried to hold herself together. It wasn’t the time to cry.

Caroline reached for a folder in front of her and opened it. “The difference is your severance package.”

Was that supposed to make it better? “When is my last day at work?”
“Yesterday was.”

Cammi stared at the woman with narrowed eyes. “Gee, thanks for the heads up.”

“I’m sorry, Cammi, but it’s nothing personal.”

“Maybe not to you, but it is to me, Caroline.” Cammi’s eyes shifted to the floor. “I’m 31 years old and have been here for 8 years. What do I do now?”
Caroline handed Cammi the folder containing the severance package. “You always wanted to own your own bookstore. It seems to me this might be the perfect opportunity for you.”

“I’ll take that into consideration. I guess I’ll go clean off my desk and get going, unless you have more to say before I go.” Cammi stood and held out her hand to Caroline when she did not respond. “For what it’s worth, I really did enjoy working here. Thanks for everything.” Cammi held her head high as she turned to leave the office.

She kept her emotions in check while she headed to the storage room to grab an empty box. Well, this is great. Where do I go from here? Just as she reached her desk, she heard the vibration of her cell phone. She looked at the caller I.D. It was Kristen, her older sister. “Thank God you called.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“What are you doing for lunch?”

“Do you want to go to the Riverwalk?”

“Sounds good. I was just laid off from my job and I need an ear.”

“Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I’ll pick you up at your place, Cam. Lunch is on me.”

“Give me an hour.”

“See you then.”

“Thanks, Sis.” Cammi closed her phone and took one more look at her office before she began to pack her things.

CAMMI HAD JUST BROUGHT THE last box into her home when her sister showed up. “Knock, knock,” Kristen said with an air with apprehension. “How ya doin, kid?” She approached her sister with her arms open. “Come here.”

Cammi wrapped her arms around Kristen. Her crestfallen state became evident when she broke into sobs. “Kristen, where do I go from here? How much more can I take?” She began to pace. “What a year it’s been. First, I find out Charles had an affair. Then, the divorce. Next, I find out he got her pregnant while we were still married. And now, I lost my job. What’s going to happen next?”

“Next, we’re going to lunch.”

“Kristen, you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do, but you’ve gotta take care of yourself. It seems to me we have a reason to celebrate.”

Cammi stopped in her tracks and stared at her sister. “How in the world can you say that?”

“You never cared for that job anyway. We both know what your dream is anyway. You keep procrastinating, but I think it’s time you gave it a try. At this point you’ve got nothing to lose.”

It sounded right. “Why do you always have to be so positive?”
“Because I’m older and wiser. It’s my job.”

“A whole three years.” Cammi rolled her eyes. “But, you’ve got a point.”
“When’s the last time you did anything for you? The beach is less than three hours away. When was the last time you were there? It’s August. You need to go before it cools off.” Kristen bent down to pet Cammi’s dog, Sunny. The Golden Retriever sniffed her hair and licked her face.
Of course, her sister knew her well. When was the last time she went to the beach? Cammi was not sure. “I haven’t felt like doing much of anything for a while now.”

“Yeah, I know. That’s my point.” Kristen took a couple of steps toward Cammi and put her hand on Cammi’s cheek. “You need to take some time for you.” The gentleness of her voice was followed by a tear rolling down Cammi’s face. Kristen wiped it away.

Cammi smelled her sister’s perfume. A Shade of Purple was also what their mom wore. “How am I going to tell Mom and Dad?” She whispered and her shoulders fell forward. Her tears fell to the floor.

“They will understand more than you think, kid. They know you’ve been miserable at the library. They recognized you didn’t care for the people, but you loved the job. But you know something, Cam? You’ve learned all kinds of valuable lessons there and they can be applied to running a bookstore, so it wasn’t a complete waste of time. We thought it was only a matter of time.”

“So, I take it you’ve had long talks with the folks about my situation.” Was she that obvious? How could they know she was so miserable even though she loved the work?

“We knew you were unhappy and wished you had better.” Kristen shrugged like it was no big deal. Cammi sighed and opened her mouth to retort. Her face became flushed and her forehead wrinkled. “Easy, Cam. We want you to pursue your dream. They’ve done you a favor. You may not think so, but in time you’ll see it in a different light.”

“Krissy, my heart’s breaking. I gave the library my heart and soul for almost a decade.” Her sister pushed her a little too much.